
  • This website is designed to be responsive and adaptive to the computers and internet browsers you are using. It has been tested on major Internet browsers like Internet Explorer 9 and higher versions, Chrome, Safari, Firefox/Mozilla and more.

    The IPAD and Tablet version is very similar except that you need a separate app to view and print pdf reports. The mobile version does not have print buttons. It can however, dial a telephone number when you touch a telephone number on the screen.

  • Most of the elements on the pages have ToolTip. A ToolTip is a small popup message that appears when a cursor is positioned over a textbox, icon, image, hyperlink, or other elements in the page. Tooltip is not available on touch screens.

    A good example is below. Position your cursor over the Provider's Name TextBox or the button below, and a ToolTip will appear.

    Provider Name:

  • Due to the nature and complexities of this Session and Data driven website, few modal windows are required to keep the searched elements in memory while navigating. A session state is able to store and retrieve values as the user navigates through the application. The Clear buttons clear the data in memory except the Session ID.

    To use this website, pop-up windows are required to be used by your browser. To setup your browser to allow popup windows, click here.