Smart Search:

You can search with the following parameters;

Provider's Name Enter the exact name or any part of the Provider's Company Name or Last Name. Like clinic, hospital, Lee, etc. Minimum 3 characters.
Provider's Tax ID Nine numeric characters of Tax ID. No dashes.
Roster of Treating Phycians (RTP) Check if you wish to include in the search.
Primary Treating Phycians (PTP) Check if you wish to include in the search.
Accepting New patients Check if you wish to include in the search.
Referral Only Check if you wish to include in the search.

Specialties To select a specialty, click on the drop-down list labeled Select Specialty

The Specialty list display will open, allowing you to select one or more specialties.

If you select Check All, the specialty will display as "all items checked".
After selecting a specialty, a link will appear at the top right of the drop-down menu.

If you selected a number of Specialties, the number of items checked will be displayed in the message.

Street Address This optional field is basically the starting address together with the City and Zip Code, when you click on the Provider's map.

Zip Code When you enter the Zip Code, the City's name populates. This is also required in determining the Zip Code radius.

Miles When you enter the Miles, the system finds the Providers within the Miles radius.

Submit When you click the button, the system will process your search based on the parameters you entered.
See Search example below.

Clear When you click the button, the system clears the previous search.

Search Example This example has the following search parameters (highligthed with red square bar.);
Specialty=Ambulatory Surgery Center, Zipcode=92630 and Radius=30 miles.
It has 5 results.

Print the Grid Print the Grid is a report (see below). Use the check-mark to select the provider(s) to be included in the report.